All About Us

Pastor Mark Duncan

Pastor Duncan, a man truly devoted to God, has profoundly impacted individuals of all ages through his theology. His personal life experiences, including overcoming prostate cancer, have equipped him to share messages of hope, love, forgiveness, and healing. He embodies the essence of “Walking by Faith,” inspiring others to trust in God’s plan.

For over 11 years, Pastor Duncan has led with humility, creating an inclusive environment at Voices of Faith North. His ministry emphasizes that everyone is welcome, reflecting the belief that God’s love extends to all, regardless of their past. This message resonates with the scripture, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 ESV).

Under the guidance of Bishop Gary Hawkins for more than two decades, Pastor Duncan began his journey in ministry as the overseer of the transportation department before being ordained as a Deacon. He served as Bishop Hawkins’ armor bearer for six years, during which he completed his biblical training and was ordained as an Elder. His dedication led him to help establish Voices of Faith Baton Rouge, where he served as Pastor for five years, and now he continues his mission at Voices of Faith North in Georgia.

Lady Donna Duncan

Genesis 2:18 NIV – The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Lady Donna Duncan is a wonderful partner to Pastor Duncan, bringing over 25 years of ministry experience to the table. Her mission is to spread God’s love through her service, ensuring everyone knows they are cherished by Him. Having faced her own struggles, she focuses on offering love and comfort to women and children in need, reminding them that God is always there to guide them.

In her leadership roles, she has contributed to various areas like business, grant writing, youth ministry, and directing the children’s choir, as well as being part of the Praise and Worship team. At Voices of Faith North, Lady Donna exemplifies love and support for her husband and family while leading the community.

Bishop Gary Hawkins Sr.

Founding of Voices of Faith

In the beginning God spoke to Minister Gary Hawkins, Sr., then a member of Hopewell Baptist Church, to begin a ministry.

  • February 8,1994, First service at Brownsmill Recreation Center in Stone Mountain, Ga
  • August 21, 1994, Voices of Faith Baptist Church was birthed with its first service
  • July 16, 1995 – October 21, 1997, Voices of Faith moved to Rockbridge Road Baptist Church in Stone Mountain, Ga
  • October 21, 1997, Voices of Faith moved to Stephenson Middle School in Stone Mountain
  • July 25,1999, God blessed Voices to purchase 20 acres of land and erect a 6,000-square-foot sanctuary.
  • August 2001, the Family Life Center opened for worship.

Today, with continued growth, there are five locations, under the leadership of Bishop Gary Hawkins, Sr. We change lives by Faith!

Our newest location under the leadership of Pastor Mark Duncan, started in January 2022, Voices of Faith North.

Voices of Faith North

Our History

Pastor Mark Duncan studied under the leadership of Bishop Gary Hawkins, Sr. and the founding church of Voices of Faith.

In January 2022, Pastor Mark Duncan was called to take that next step of faith, to building a ministry.

A Church that cares, Pastor Mark Duncan is a minister that teaches and changes lives by Faith.

Opening his first location in January 2022, Voice of Faith North was launched at 2500 Clean Water Ct, Buford GA 30519 @ The Water Tower

Pastor Duncan had the vision in September of 2022 that Voices of Faith North would be moving in January 2024. However, GOD had other plans.  Voices of Faith North was blessed with a new home in September of 2023.

Grand Opening Celebration – October 1, 2023 – We dedicated this Church to our savior Jesus Christ our Lord

2 Chronicles 7:16 ESV reads “For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name be there forever.  My eyes and my heart will be there for all time.”

Come visit and worship with us at 1834 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043.